Dr Josh Roose is a political sociologist and Associate Professor at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Deakin University, Melbourne. His research focuses primarily on political and religious extremism, populism and the intersection with citizenship, economies, masculinities, and the rule of law.
He is currently a Chief Investigator on an Australian Research Council (ARC) funded study: The Far Right: Intellectuals, Masculinity and Citizenship (2021-2024) and lead Chief Investigator of the ARC funded project Anti-Women online Movements; Pathways and Patterns of Participation (2022-2025).
Josh provides expert insights for state and federal government departments on matters related to both social and counter terrorism policy and national and international media including the New York Times, Washington Post, BBC and ABC.
His recent books include: Masculinity and Violent Extremism (2022) The New Demagogues: Religion, Masculinity and the New Populism (2020) and Political Islam and Masculinity: Australian Muslim Men (2015).