Sign up for workshops

EMC delegates are able to sign up for up to two workshops to be held on Wednesday 17 July.  There are three workshops to choose from, which will each be run twice. Stream 1 will run parallel to the workshops for those not wishing to take part in a workshop.

Workshop places are limited, so please ensure you nominate a workshop when you register or return to your account to add your preference before the conference if you intend to take part.

Workshops provide an opportunity to interact with other guests and the conference topics. All workshops will produce outcomes and recommendations which will be reported to the conference by the conference chair at the closing session on Day 2.  The outcomes and recommendations will also be reported at the next ESF Stakeholder Council meeting.

Workshop 1: How emergency management agencies can build greater trust with communities.

Presented by Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Societies, Deakin University

Facilitated by: Mark Duckworth PSM, Associate Research Fellow, Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Societies, Alfred Deakin Institute, Deakin University

Duration: 1 hour, 40 minutes

Start time 1: 10.20AM
Start time 2: 1.00PM

The workshop is based on the Report for the “Trust Flows” project (to be published in February 2024) produced by the Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Societies at Deakin University and funded by the Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety. One of the aims of this project is to give practical suggestions on how trust relationships between government and citizens can be improved.

The workshop will actively explore how to develop better trusting partnerships between government and community for building disaster resilience and post disaster recovery.

Participants will:

  • Discuss in facilitated groups the types of behaviours that build or disrupt relationships of trust between emergency management agencies and communities.
  • Workshop how to overcome the impediments that prevent government agencies delivering on the policies that talk about projects being “community led” but in fact to not permit communities to lead.
  • To explore what accountability measures can be put in place that allow government agencies to manage risk and also result in communities designing projects that deliver the outcomes they want.
  • Workshop ideas on how can post disaster and recovery funding better meet community needs with application processes and accountability requirements that promote innovation and be done with communities not to them.

Workshop 2: Breaking barriers: enhancing disability inclusive emergency preparedness through multi-agency collaboration

Presented by Country Fire Authority

Facilitated by: Kelly Stoner, Senior Engagement Advisor – People at Higher Risk at the Country Fire Authority

Duration: 1 hour, 40 minutes

Start time 1: 10.20AM
Start time 2: 1.00PM

People with a disability are at a disproportionate risk during emergencies. A national study showed that 62% of the people who die in house fires have a disability, and the 2009 Bushfire Royal Commission found that 44% of the people who died in Black Saturday were considered vulnerable. This vulnerability in emergencies is increased in part because people with disability have not been included in community-level disaster preparedness  Current emergency preparedness information is not tailored to their support needs and situation.

The pilot project ‘Clearing the Path to Disability Inclusive Fire and Emergency Planning in Victoria’ project spanned 7 LGAs. Disability Inclusive Emergency Planning (DIEP) workshops were delivered in partnership with local councils as a catalyst for the Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) framework to improve emergency planning with people who have a disability. After the workshops, councils were supported with P-CEP delivery to individuals through the co-delivered Emergency Planning Advice Service (EPAS) program by CFA and Red Cross.

Insights from this pilot highlight challenges of multi-agency emergency preparedness for people at higher risk. Navigating systemic barriers and the different processes and models of working with each local council is challenging. Additionally, it is paramount to increase referrals to EPAS through exploring diverse relationship building and digital channels to access people at higher risk.

Workshop overview:

  • The workshop will commence with a brief overview of the ‘Clearing the Path to Disability Inclusive Fire and Emergency Planning in Victoria’ project from CFA.
  • Key insights and outcomes of the Emergency Planning Advice Service (EPAS) project will be discussed by a panel comprising CFA, Red Cross, and partner local councils.
  • Participants will then form focus groups, drawing on collective expertise to break down these challenges and address the gaps. New collaboration strategies will be sourced to harness the resources and knowledge which will benefit the communities we serve.

Workshop 3: Understanding engagement from diverse perspectives

EMC Diversity and Inclusion Working Group

Facilitated by: Anne Leadbeater OAM and supported by subject-matter experts listed (right)

Duration: 1 hour, 40 minutes

Start time 1: 10.20AM
Start time 2: 1.00PM

The workshop is designed to empower government officials and staff, emergency management staff, volunteers, community members and organisations with skills to better connect and work together before, during and after emergencies and disasters.

Victoria’s approach to emergency management is shaped by lived experiences.

However, the emergency management sector faces new opportunities and challenges as:

  • the demographics of Victoria’s population continue to change
  • more Victorians are changing how and where they work
  • communications technology enables connections with others in new ways, and information sharing all over the world
  • climate change increases the severity, frequency and duration of emergencies

Participants at each table will work with a subject matter expert on a series of activities.  The subject matter experts will be:

  • Cindi Preller, Tsunami Museum, Hawaii
  • Bhiamie Williamson, National Indigenous Disaster Resilience Program
  • Kate Fawcett and Monika Correa, DisasterWISE.
  • Bridget Tehan, Australian Red Cross.
  • Ruth Harley and Linto Thomas, Multicultural Emergency Management Partnership.
  • Meg Brodie, Victorian Council of Social Service.
  • Emmie Dowling, Sunraysia Mallee Ethic Communities’ Council.
  • Richard Ogetii, Albury-Wodonga Ethnic Communities Council Inc.
  • Sally Cunningham, RedR.
  • Derm Ryan, Carl Hall and Harmony Carmichael, YACVic
  • Dr Nicole Johnson and Dr Karen Anderson, Women’s Health Loddon Mallee

Participants will work in groups with subject matter experts to:

  • Discuss their context of emergency management – the unique perspectives, experiences, and expertise that individuals bring from many diverse backgrounds
  • Discuss experiences of equity – strengths, needs and priorities of diverse communities
  • Discuss experiences of actively involving individuals from diverse backgrounds to contribute to decision-making and problem-solving
  • Describe the current engagement paradigm – What currently works and what doesn’t?
  • Understand leading examples which are influencing change from diverse perspectives – Table subject matter experts will present examples and facilitate discussion about options for change
  • Identify examples/systems which can assist participants to improve their own personal, community and professional engagement approaches and ways of working together